HSBC Account, Account Details & Payment

Hello! 👋

These are my final look on account and account details page for this HSBC redesign project. I aim to bring a fresh look and a more effective way to banking today. I do see a lot of potential in digital finance/banking hence I decided to take on this mini project for practice.

Some of the changes are based on problems faced by actual HSBC users (myself + small group of surveys and feedback I conducted).

1. The new addition of bar graph where it tracks spendings by weeks, months and years was thought for when I interviewed HSBC users who are usually students/ users who are looking to save and want to be able to track their spendings easily. This was imparted to hopefully help users on all levels to be more aware of their spendings.

2. A second small new feature designed was the green notification of "Received" to inform users that the money has been sent and received by the specific account meant for. Hopefully able to shorten the process where users didn't have to ask one another whether the money has been received.

3. Pending transactions were meant for incoming money, such as refunds/ late payment, etc. This was imparted because we don't usually know when it is coming in/ how long it usually takes/ or we even forget the amount sometimes.

4. The payment page was a bonus page I wanted to try even though multiple things are very structured and straight-forward. I tried to change the outlook of the payment/transfer section to a more intuitive and effortless design.

I would appreciate any constructive feedback/ questions/ suggestion and come show some! ❤️

More visuals & reading 👁📖:

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