God Made Everything

In the beginning, God made everything. Before creation He did not roll up his sleeves — He hovered over the waters of the deep, the Spirit of God, Ruach Elohim. Hear the sound like exhaled breath on a cold pane of glass, the sound of Ruaaaaaach. Out with cosmic majesty and poetry: What He puts into words, He speaks into being! “Let there be...” Light appeared before even one celestial body! The holy God separated and fashioned the sea, sky, land, plants, birds, every creeping thing that creeps, and a sun and a moon, both without yet the dignity of a name. The beaming sun only foreshadows His infinite radiance and the moon stars in a supporting role; they forever pale in glory beside His own. A science...poem? A worshipful exclamation, a revelation, what good the word of His mouth brings forth! He is the eternal God who has always been and will always be. Then, more poetry — the most! “Let us,” He said, “make mankind in our own image,“ male and female He created them, given purposeful work, to bear His image and dwell with Him. He pronounced it all very good and He rested, not because He had grown weary, but because He knows we do.

The Village Church
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