AM-FM Bus logo
Hi guys! Long time no see... turns out I've been a bit busy, converting a Bus (yeah that's right.. a bus).
Last year I've bought a 28 seat minibus from 1998 and started converting into a tiny home last July. The build is going good, not as fast as I'd like but I'm doing everything on my own so it takes time.
About the logo, I've chosen the diamond shape because it resembles the AM radio waves shape. I know that the outline type isn't the best option for small sizes and so on, but I'll only use it on Instagram, stickers and probably some apparel... so I took the risk! Overall, I was aiming for a vintage look (it's an old bus) and the typeface (Recoleta by @L) does the job perfectly.
You can follow the build, and check all the graphics I've made, on IG: @amfm_bus
Why AM-FM Bus? 🤔
The original owner of the Bus (in 1998) was 'RDP - Rádio Difusão Portuguesa', the main Radio broadcaster in Portugal founded in 1975. And as you probably know, the radio uses AM and FM frequencies.
And FM is also my nickname (from my name initials - Flávio Miguel). I always used it on internet usernames and even as my brand as a freelance designer.
I am FM, it's part of who I am and this Bus it's part of me. It's going to be my house, envisioned and built by me.
So it made sense to call it – AM-FM Bus ✨
Don't forget to hit that 'L' button ♥