Nocturnal πŸŒ™ - Album cover for Trippie Redd

Nocturnal is an alternative Hip-hop album from artist Trippie Redd set to release in 2020. With the title of the project being Nocturnal a moon comes into mind very quick, I decided to stick with a moon as the red wire in the overall design to challenge myself and make something very unique around something as overused and basic as the imagery of the moon.

I started with the lettering and the cover. The lettering is very slender and long looking, I based this design on tree branches in a forest at night with the moonlight reflecting upon them as you look at the sky. The artist Trippie Redd admitted to frequently feeling lonely, and trapped in his own mind. I feel like those feelings and the moon are somewhat similar, Lonely and trapped but still being able to shine. I decided to use this concept for the cover art of the album.

The cover design was a very experimental process, I really wanted to give attention to the bright light that the moon reflects with keeping the concept of being trapped in your own mind as the focus. I also wanted it to come over as very emotional and personal with the main character surrounded by complete darkness, with some sort of holographic visual of his own head around him and with the moon reflecting in his eyes. for the back, I decided to do something similar. and lastly, The design of the vinyl discs themselves is based on the eyes of an owl who is of course famously known for being a nocturnal animal.

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