Laze Pizza Spa

A concept pizza spa that was conjured up by the idea of positive body image and feeling happy in your own skin.

The spa provides treatments such as hot Parmesan wraps (hot towel body wraps enriched with herbs and special aromatic salts), Marinara Dips (a luxurious bath in velvety tomato tubs), Crumble the Crust Pedicures and Manicures and much more.

All treatments are accompanied with your choice of food and beverages (our speciality is pizza). So bring along a friend and enjoy a unique and completely revitalizing experience!

Concept and idea derivation :
Originally, the idea was to create a vegan based restaurant or spa. After a lot of thought, it occured to me that the idea of a spa ran on the concept of body image. So I decided to create something that opposed those notions and was inspired by the “ treat yourself ” ideology.

Mood and tone :
The mood and tone relied on the idea of ultimate comfort and coming down to simple inner desires, and a sort of release from inhinitions.

Typographic style :
The typography was solely inspired from the idea of lazy handwriting, possibly the kind you’re inclined to write in after a glass or two of wine. I chose a typeface called Pecita, with a little bit of adjustments to run the show paired with Regencie Alt to go with it for some simplicity.

Choice of colours :
Though the idea was to keep it “ back to the chalk board ” black, adding in the craft cheddar square yellow brought in a little fun and took off the seriousness that would accompany a monotonous and inescapable cleanliness of a plain black and white palette.

Images and illustrations :
The illustrations and images were mostly hand drawn or made to look effortless because I wanted to emphasize that size and shape don't matter. Positive thoughts on body image are the main key in this concept.

Choice of material :
A good old pizza box feeling comes with a standard brown craft paper, so that became the go to for Laze.

More by Afreen Siraj

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