
Super stoked on this one.

I created (loose translation for hacked up an existing script file to create this one, I'm no JS Doctor) this Adobe Illustrator script a few years back to speed up the process of rotating multiple graphical elements with random values all at once. I felt like being a good steward to my industry and shared my efforts for the whopping sum of $0 hoping that my non-existent following could benefit from it like I did.

A few days (don't actually know the exact date) the download count hit 3,000! I remember how stoked I was when some web stranger downloaded for the first time but now that stokeness has grown to a whole new level. Kidding, well kind of. I'm just happy to see that a few of my fellow peeps thought they'd stow my file in their downloads folder.

Ps, you can read the article on @medium here.

Happy 🐪day!

Ryan Anderson
Stay-at-home graphic designer (before it was 😷)
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