Pentrax – Creative App Landing Template HTML & PSD (Freebie)
Pentrax is an elegant and interactive HTML template that ideal for any kind of App Showcasing or App Landing website. Pentrax is highly suitable for anyone who is enthusiastic about creating new Apps, Software, Plugins, etc and want to show their creativity to others. Pentrax is a very good choice for showcasing Apps, Software, Code Snippet, App Store, Themes and Plugins. It is built based on modern web design techniques like Bootstrap 4+, SCSS and another modern jQuery library.
Pentrax is fully responsive friendly in smaller devices and mobile. Codes that structured the layout are very clean, well commented and customized friendly. You can easily Edit or Change the HTML codes and Stylesheet. It has a good documentation file that covers all the important things. And the last word, We are always here to help & support.
We're available for new projects! Contact us if need any custom design and development Services. Say Hello: