The easiest to use crypto wallet

A project from the past. We set out to create the easiest to use crypto currency wallet, which any person with online banking experience would be able to use.

By researching many existing crypto wallets, online banking applications, and interviewing users, we came up with this design.

User research, UX design by me
Webdesign and Front-end by the super talented Luca.

In the first row you see the signup process. Informing the user of security measures to take before continuing.

In the second row you see the wallet overview, where the user first selects which crypto currency wallet he wants to operate in, and only after entering that wallet the send and receive options appear. Minimising the number of call to actions on each page.

A common problem new crypto users face is not reserving enough funds to pay for the transaction itself, so we added a prominent warning explaining this and indicating how much currency you need to leave in the wallet to pay for the transaction.

More by Antonio

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