Did you want a messy life of a comfortable one?

There's a type of split or divergence that becomes apparent in a person's age decade. It becomes fairly visible in people's 40s. It can happen (sadly) in people's 20s. Often, there's no turning back when people hit their 50s. The choice that creates this chasm is based on comfort. It's been one of the most baffling choices that I found on the other side, hard to relate to. I don't want to paint a picture that I've had it tough. Compared to some I really haven't. Compared to others, you could say it's been a lot. I was really lucky to experience a lot of discomfort growing up. A big, proverbial, fluffy rug got pulled from underneath our family in my teenage years. Even though I despised it at the time, turned out it was one of the best setups for the road ahead. Uncertainty, loss of earnings, no income and where would we live? Once you get through these questions, you've got a really healthy dose of perspective and resilience to work with. If any of these show up again, you know you're not going to be wiped out by them. And even choosing a level of discomfort in your life to make other things happen can be super liberating. It's a place I've come back to a number of times in my adult life. Someone said, taking risks for a bigger dream in your 20s looks rock n roll. Doing the same in your 40s is judged as madness. But that's just what it is. It is madness. As people age, this behaviour highlights where other people have banked on comfort instead.

And that in itself can be very uncomfortable.

Ask yourself honestly, what kind of life do you NOT want to look back on? Do I want to see a comfortable life behind me? Or a life lived with boldness and courage, with some messy edges? And maybe a whole lot of impact that happened outside of your own comfortable four walls. We're either building suburban fortresses or lives that invite other people to build out the powerful story that's living on the inside of them.

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