Intranet - wireframe design

It’s been over a year since I have dribbble account, so I think it’s time for my first shot :D

This is a project I have been working on past few months, so I decided to share the UX behind it.

The wireframe design shows the Home page of an intranet - digital employee experience, tool that many employees need to work with during their work time.

All the data you see here are based on the User Research (qualitative - interviews, observations, client meetings), Competitor Research (direct & indirect) and Analysis (using coding methods and analytic memos); collected by me and my 3 teammates.

How do you like it?

Special thanks to:
Stanko Bagin, who is my UX hero and had quite patience with me; thought me about UX a lot.

Lukas Horak, who always pushed me to do what I love and who is the best mentor I’ve ever had.

Anna Hajkova, who supports me and my work every single day.

And Scott Carter, for his time, care and feedback.

More by Ivon Stoilov

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