Jala Web Design & Development

Visit the live site here : Jala.tech

Read the full case study on my site : kukuhaldy.com

Jala Jala is an IoT startup in Yogyakarta, Indonesia who provides solutions to help farmers understand the farm condition better in a real-time way for preventive actions towards the risk of farming. Currently, they have 2 products, the device that can detect water condition and a web app that integrated to the device so the farm owner can see their farm condition and eventually will have a better plan to get successful harvest.

The Problem The old website was their first website as a startup so they didn’t prepare the content and the design that well. Now as they grow bigger, they need to show their website to potential clients and investors. So they need a better content structure and of course better and fresher design to attract clients and investors.


Open for Freelance Work I am available for UI/UX project and also Web Development. Please DM me. Or you can visit my site to know more about me : kukuhaldy.com


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