Taverna Brillo

As part of a student project at Berghs School of Communication, I got the task to rebrand a restaurant. I picked Taverna Brillo, an Italian brasserie with a Swedish touch. Taverna Brillo, or as most people call it, just Brillo is located in the business area in central Stockholm. It's open from early morning until well after midnight. So it becomes a place for early meetings, a real culture hotspot and a nice place for a Friday night. The place is truly transformable by nature. So I took these insights and tried to capture it in a new identity.

I create an identity that lets the name Brillo take more room than in the previous logotype, making people that just know it by Brillo find it easier. I also tried to capture the nature of the place and the transformative nature of it. Making the color scheme go from yellow in the morning, red during lunch, green for the evening and blue for the night. In this way make the identity change with the place. I created two different versions of the logotype that feel connected to each other but that makes it easier to be placed based on what it is needed for. Making it grow with the restaurant.

Check out the full project at, https://rasmusbengtsson.com/project/taverna-brillo

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