GitHub Universe 2018 Octocat Generator

Our challenge was “How can you give a voice to members of the GitHub community through the lens of our brand?”
Our idea “Mona is your alter-ego”

Our solution ahead of and at Universe, was to give members of the GitHub community a custom way to represent themselves on and off GitHub through the image of Mona, GitHub's curious, inventive and fun-loving mascot.

To solve for this challenge we created an online site ahead of and on-site installation, at Universe entitled "My Octocat." My Octocat is a fun app where fans can create their avatar to be shared and or uploaded to their GitHub profile, using hundreds of custom illustrations and icons.

Role: Creative Director and Strategist
Artists: Tony Jaramillo (Lead), Cameron Foxly, João Ribeiro, and Haley Carroll
Designer: Cecilio Ruiz
Web Developer: Andrew Ross

More by Jeremy Brady

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