UX Designer at Booking.com
I'm ill today, so I'm not moving from the couch - catching up on articles I've been wanting to read, playing Call of Duty and designing things in Photoshop.
This is a snippet of a redesign of my personal site... www.abovefunction.com
For me personal sites become more redundant, I don't need a portfolio because I'm not looking for a job and the things I do want to share I put on Dribble. I don't need a blog because I don't write long articles but I post things on Facebook and Twitter for you all to see. I don't need an about me page because again you can find these things and even contact me from other social networks.
The only reason I have a personal site is to use it as a digital playground, creating things and having a place to host them in my full control.
So my idea for a personal site was to just have a title, subtitle and links to the various sites I interact with. Simples.
Also the fon't used here is Average (http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Average) ____________________________________________ Also Booking.com is hiring so if you want to work on the worlds 3rd largest ecommerce site with some of the most talented people in the industry - get in touch (@AboveFunction on twitter).