Daily UI Day 8

On with the Daily UI.

Day 8 Prompt: Design a 404 error page.

I kept this very simple because it didn't fit the branding for ArtSpan that I have been working on. I did throw in a little art reference/joke since this is for the art community and who better to get art humour.

Buuuut, for those that don't know, Vantablack is a pigment that is the most pure black made that absorbs light. Anish Kapoor bought all rights to the process of making it and made it impossible for others in the art world to use it. In comes the hero, Stuart Semple who has made pigments like pinkest pink and black 2.0 and making it available for everyone to buy except Anish Kapoor, the color hoarder.

I felt like staying on a mobile layout because I've been working on web apps for work lately and needed a change in design parameters. I was running into issues with a website and needing to report it, but to contact them about the issue, I had to go digging for the company contact email. So, I added direct buttons to the page to go back or report the problem.

More by Jonathan J. Fong

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