Perceived Monkey
Design is beautiful, it’s everywhere you look.
What's even more fascinating is every design you see is made of basic shapes, altered and perceived into what you make it.
2020 is going to be the year I start breaking down design to the core, the fundamentals. I want to play with shapes, create things, and more importantly, share.
The world is heading into a deep, dark hole. Negativity is everywhere you look and it's draining me. The devil is at play right now and it's disheartening.
Music and shapes have always calmed me. All negative thoughts escape my body and I'm at peace.
I want to share more things I create. No matter how good or bad they are...they are my creations.
Tonight, I opened Adobe Illustrator and created a square, which led to a "pin" drop, which leads to some other things...which ended up looking like a monkey.
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