Social Media Branded Audio Visualizer

In the visual style exploration for Pause Coffee Co, I had the idea of building a custom music visualizer that could be used in conjunction with the "pause button" concept for the branding.

This simple waveform player is intended to showcase new or up and coming music artists in an interesting way using stories on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Or, hell, any platform that has stories now (seems like everyone has their own).

See the attachment for the visualizer without the social media formatting.

The demo song is kiwi, with halpe by octbr:

Which, I believe I found by watching @zeus_jones reel from last year (it's dang incredible):

In the visual style exploration for Pause Coffee Co, I had the idea of building a custom music visualizer that could be used in conjunction with the "pause button" concept for the branding.

This simple waveform player is intended to showcase new or up and coming music artists in an interesting way using stories on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Or, hell, any platform that has stories now (seems like everyone has their own).

See the attachment for the visualizer without the social media formatting.

The demo song is kiwi, with halpe by octbr:

Which, I believe I found by watching @zeus_jones reel from last year (it's dang incredible):

More by Andrew Ciobanasiu

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