Skinsure- App to diagnose skin disorders

Skinscan is an integrated app to diagnose skin disorders in humans. The motive is to give users with probable ailment a preliminary diagnosis and treatment options from the comfort of their home. You can also search experts I.e. doctors or dermatologists near you based on location, experience and reviews. Idea was to use visual recognition to augment doctors and diagnose patients.

Problems: Skin problems/ issues/ irregularities are the very common concerns of people, and many times people have a very less idea of what’s happened to them. A visit to a dermatologist might solve the problem but sometimes even that isn't accurate. Existing apps evaluate patients’ concerns only on basis of written symptoms.

Audience: People with skin issue/irregularity/concern/disease; and their family/friends.

Team: Adwaita Chokshi, Meet Patel, Bhoomi Thakkar (Software Developers) and Spruha Patel (UX Designer)

Role: User Research, Story boards, User flow, Wire framing, Prototypes & Mock-ups

Tool: Sketch

Retrospective: - Team of SDEs were able to achieve 70% efficiency diagnosing at least 8 skin disorders - Due to limited time, only interface for users was designed. Further scope could be to design interface for doctors and dermatologists.

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