OnenessPay | 2.0 | Blockchain energy wallet | App design
Get energy and store it, sell energy on the exchange to earn OPC and withdraw, a blockchain energy wallet platform. -Energy storage is limited, you can spend OPC to upgrade the level. -Buy or sell energy on the exchange to earn OPC based on real-time prices. -Energy and OPC both have their own real-time price curves (day, week, month). -In the leaderboard, you can give away or ask for energy to your friends. -Daily missions you can earn energy. -Consumption area where you can spend energy to buy discount coupons.
Complete project:
Get energy and store it, sell energy on the exchange to earn OPC and withdraw, a blockchain energy wallet platform. -Energy storage is limited, you can spend OPC to upgrade the level. -Buy or sell energy on the exchange to earn OPC based on real-time prices. -Energy and OPC both have their own real-time price curves (day, week, month). -In the leaderboard, you can give away or ask for energy to your friends. -Daily missions you can earn energy. -Consumption area where you can spend energy to buy discount coupons.
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