Visa Patterns Design

Visa's Ukrainian office is managing the marketing activity in 16 growing economies! We got a task - to develop, under Visa brand book, a unique style for corporate office branding, souvenirs and internal marketing. It had to be specific to the regions local character, but still follow one style of Visa.

All countries managed by the Ukrainian office of Visa, have a distinctive visual symbol, used for ages - ornaments. Each country has it - but with its own details. Usage of national ornaments is the perfect way to express the local character! And ornaments fit the visual Visa code remarkably.

The concept stuck the client so well, that it was used not only for office decoration but Visa's office stationery materials and business souvenirs as well. And that's not all. This concept will be implemented for Serbia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Azerbaijan.

See the full case here →

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