Pittsburgh Peres Logo
Crown is bastion of Fort Pitt. which represents the high perches of the Peregrine Falcon.
Jewels in crown pay homage to the history of the steel industry. (American Steel Logo).
Black and Yellow are colors of Pittsburgh and of all three professional sports teams.
Three feathers on back are for the three other teams in Pittsburgh (Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins).
Peregrine Falcons were once driven out of Pittsburgh by air pollution but have since made a resurgence. Similar to the resurgence of Pittsburgh’s economy, which transitioned from steel to tech and service industries.
16 triangles on chest represent the 16 championships the sports teams have won and more triangles will be added with the more championships won. The overall shape of a triangle represents the Golden Triangle in downtown Pittsburgh where the PereFalcons play.
Overall shape of design is in the shape (circle and crown) of a championship ring, the ultimate goal.