NYR 2019

I enjoy being outdoors. I enjoy camping. I enjoy aching shoulders, nicked and dirty hands, smoky hair, blistered feet, all of it. At the end of 2018, looking over the past year, I felt a feeling of loss a little bit; I hadn’t done enough of what I love to do outside.

I’ve never set a new year's resolution for myself before, but at the end of 2018 I resolved to prioritize more of what I love, so I made a list of things that I wanted to accomplish in 2019.

Not surprisingly I didn’t check off all ten items, in fact, I only accomplished 3 completely, but the things that I did do gave me feelings of pride, trips to look forward to with amazing people, and experiences that I’ll never forget.

Here are 4 of my to-do list items I checked off this year:
✔️ Fillet a fish
✔️ Learn to carve a Kuksa
✔️ Learn 5-10 really good knots
✔️ Spend 5 nights sleeping outside (my original goal was 14)

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