Gather My Crew

Gather My Crew

Gather My Crew | Style Guide

Gather My Crew is an online rostering tool that has been developed specifically to provide support for people in crisis by enabling them to ask for and coordinate the practical help they need. -

Using the expertise of people who have "been there, done that", as well as clinicians, Gather My Crew exists to make sure people going through a crisis get the right kind of help from friends, family, neighbours and colleagues, without all of the stress that usually comes with coordinating help when a loved one becomes unwell.

The app provides a way to ask for help, and then turns that help into a calendar that tracks and records who is doing what, and when. It even sends reminders and updates to keep everyone connected throughout the time the assistance is needed.

Feasible design solution

A feasible solution, building on the strengths of your current operational capabilities.

During the ideation phase of the project, we realised that we had to develop a feasible design solution for the project. We had to ask ourselves if this solution could be managed by the existing GMC team responsible for keeping their solutions alive long after we’d wrapped up our side of the work. The goal was to create a new product, but also we needed to work with what we had.

We worked together with GMC team to create a basic style guide to keep as a reference and make sure the user interface was consistent across the board, considering how we could cater specifically to vulnerable segments of the population to get the best health outcome was a key driver.

A human-centric approach was vital whilst considering the delicate state of mind our users were experiencing. The aim of the style guide was to guide the ideation, implementation of features and functionality for GMC.

Logo The logo represents the organisation and is the vehicle for brand recognition. I’ve tweaked the colours of the logo, typeface, icons to be rounder to acquire a more soft and friendly feel.

Typography I’ve selected the Google fonts will ensure stability and avoid licensing issues. The typeface fits perfectly with almost any font which is particularly useful in today's diverse content sphere. A wide structure renders the font easy to read in small sizes. Karla The tracking might be set a little wide for body copy. This is a perfect font to add a touch of personality to the design.

Colours I thought it would be best to use warm colours. The original brand colour was a deep turquoise; I’ve kept using the turquoise and I’ve also added a warm red and orange to acquires a warmer, gentle tone. The colours are selected to make the branding more engaging.

Icons FontAwesome is a collection of friendly icon set which an emphasis on simplicity, consistency, and readability.

It was a pleasure to work with Susan who is the founder and CEO of Gather My Crew, who is a registered psychologist and health consultant. She has worked in public health and the not-for-profit sector for the past 20 years and has significant experience working with those suffering trauma.

Gather My Crew is a registered charity, and the online tool is free and easy to use. You can find out more at

Please read about some of the amazing things about this fantastic project, and if you'd like to make a donation, this is a wonderful way to help those who may be in crisis, to enable them to ask for and coordinate the practical help they need.,-the-online-tool-to-help-those-in-a-health-crisis.html

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