Happy New Year 2020!

A little Pinky for the new year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Kicking it off in Japan to friends and family! Year of the rat! Here’s to making 2020 a year of foresight, insight! Laser focus on the goals!

One of my goals for 2019 was to get the first colouring booq of the series done. ✅ On to the next. Felt a little lost for a bit but I’m finding my way now. Looking forward to creating new opportunities. Honing and expanding the skill set.

What are your goals for the coming year? Drop them in the comments.

My goals:

1. Release a new artbook
2. Put out 2 more colouring booqs
3. Release my illustrated storybook
4. Start an art vlog.

See you out there!!!

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