Fusion Project - Tout System

Fusion Project was the reason I was hired on to the Virginia Department of Social Services. It was a huge lift for my team to rebuild and change the agency processes surround by the Intranet. This is the main touting system for he agency. This page serves as a blogging system of sorts that allows the agency departments and programs to share information to the entire agencies employes.

This project remains one of my favorite accomplishments of my career, due to the fact that they we did not just only design and develop a beautiful tool for the agency but we were instrumental in changing the agencies culture on how an Intranet should be viewed and utilized. Even though this achievement never won an award as many others have this one remains as a crowning achievement close to my heart.

You can see full screenshots on this pdf I created. http://shoelessrva.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Fusion.pdf

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