Drinking Acohol During Pregnancy
The mother and her baby’s heart are linked, when the mother drink alcohol, it will break her baby’s heart. 海报想传达母子连心,一旦孕妇喝了酒就会进入孩子体内。
In this image, the color of yellow represents for the color of beer, red represents for the color of heart. 在海报中,黄色代表酒的颜色,红色代表心的颜色。
The reason why the beer starts to pour into the mother from her head because once the mother comes up with the idea of drinking alcohol during pregnancy, she would be starting to hurt her baby. 海报中的酒是从孕妇的头上倒入而不是嘴里,表达一旦孕妇有了想喝酒的念头,这就是伤害孩子的开端。呼吁孕妇在怀孕期间不要想喝酒,否则会对婴儿造成很大的伤害。
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