Thank You Playoff

I've been giving it some thought over the past few weeks, and I've realized that much of what I have in my life, I owe to Dan & Rich, and the rest of the Dribbble community. As the shot says, Dribbble gave me so much in 2012.

We all thank those who draft us, but I can't recall seeing a shot that thanked Dribbble. So, I wanted to create a playoff that would allow all of us to give a little bit back to the guys who gave us this great community.

Rebound this shot and thank Dribbble in your own way, in hopes that we can fill up the entire popular page with "thank you" notes. The only rule is that your words of thanks (Thank You, Thanks Dribbble, etc) have to be legible at the 200 X 150 thumbnail size. Other than that, design away!

Unfortunately, there's no prize for "winning," other than the warm feeling you'll get from doing something awesome!

Jeffrey Jorgensen
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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