Pure Energie - Components
Pure Energie is the only supplier that produces their own ‘green’ energy in The Netherlands. They build and save their ‘green’ energy sources and sell it on the market.
We created together with Pure Energie a brand new platform, where visitors can learn about their sustainability and can determine their own sustainable energie contract. Every customer has the option, based on Map Box, to choose from which windmill in The Netherlands, they want their ‘green’ energy supply from. So in that way Pure Energie makes it personal with the customer and give the customer some insights about their own energy.
All templates that we created are build with flexible components, because if there are some adjustments to make, they can easily change their set up. For example; if the datasets from the windmill deviate a little bit, Pure Energy has the possibility to adapt to it.
All these adjustments has led to a conversion increase of 85% on desktop and 185% on mobile!
These are the results we live for