FSL Logo Concept
Frie Skolers Lærerforening held a logo design competition, and this was the design I came up with. I completely forgot to turn my suggestion in, though...
Frie Skolers Lærerforening held a logo design competition, and this was the design I came up with. I completely forgot to turn my suggestion in, though...
Frie Skolers Lærerforening held a logo design competition, and this was the design I came up with. I completely forgot to turn my suggestion in, though...
Frie Skolers Lærerforening held a logo design competition, and this was the design I came up with. I completely forgot to turn my suggestion in, though...
Frie Skolers Lærerforening held a logo design competition, and this was the design I came up with. I completely forgot to turn my suggestion in, though...