
With this project we consider plastic as a new species. They have many different shapes, sizes, colors, functions, prefer symbiotic life and are distributed depending on the geographical location as well as the climatic conditions of each region.
Staff Members:
Founder: Iris Cao, Maxk Nguyễn
Creative Director: Maxk Nguyễn, Hoàng Người Đá
Project Manager: Gem Phạm, Hà My
Content Director: Iris Cao
Copywriter: Khoa Nguyễn, Thục Uyển, Nghĩa Nguyễn, Xuân Tiến
Photographer: Minh Mì Gói
3D Artist, Monster Designer: Andrien Dezalay
UI-UX Director: Khang Trương / Developer: Bình Lê / Web Designer: Nhi Trương
Design Lead: Nhật Ánh / Illustrator: Nhỏ Jung / Designer: Markan Ng
Art Director/Illustrator for Artcard: Kawako Giang Nguyễn

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