Radiohead's album cover for The Bends- redesigned
This is my very first weekly design challenge, and it was pretty perfectly suited for my taste in design fun. After discovering the challenge and browsing through the early entries in hopes of properly grasping completing the task, I designed this inspired by how I imagine my favorite album would look if it had been released today.
I often find that I suffer from having TOO many ideas at times, but here I really had a primary focus immediately, and that was to honor the spirit of the original design but to further play up what the album was named, the condition known as the bends that can make deep sea divers very ill and often can kill. I remembered that the band settled on the name because it perfectly described how they felt coming off the smashing success of their first album to record this one.
This was a lot of good, clean fun, and it makes hope I'm able to find time to in the future to complete many more of these challenges!