Retailer awards 2019 - mydealz
One of my best moments of the year was when we received in Berlin the Retailer Awards 2019 trophies I designed, while my colleagues in London and Lyon shared the images of theirs just arrived.
The background:
Last summer we asked to our communities in the UK, Germany and France who are in their opinion the best retailers to find great deals.
They could vote within the following categories: Gaming, Electronics, Family & Kids, Travel & Leisure, Groceries, Fashion & Beauty.
The image of the glass trophies is followed by the banners I designed for our websites and social media profiles.
If you want to know what the communities have chosen, here are the links to the landing pages:
The Retailer Awards 2019 were also named on the Mirror in the UK:
Furthermore the winner badge was included on Lidl’s website in Germany: