Work-life Balance app

Phew! Life, am I right? No matter what stage of life you are at right now, things can get pretty overwhelming for all of us. We get overloaded with work obligations and amidst all the screens, documents, and meetings, we often forget to take time for ourselves. Or worse, we lose track of our direction, of what really matters.

Together with Iryna Korshak we’ve been working on a work-life balance ☯ concept app lately. The idea behind our app concept is to help introduce order and balance into packed schedules.

By easily listing your weekly tasks and assigning them to practical categories, you’re able to track hours spent working on mundane, robotic tasks and ones invested into actually learning and growing.

If you’re unfamiliar with what “work-life balance” means, here is a great resource I hope will help get you up to speed:

And when you’re done working for today, how about calling that one person that comes to mind, that you haven’t talked to in wayyy too long?

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