SEGA Genesis Console
Sized to the Retina iPad. As always, built for the device.
I love the old consoles, the SEGA Genesis probably being the sexiest of them all.
I've uploaded a gif of the process to hopefully add some depth to Dribbble. I keep hearing from artists that this place would be a lot better if people spoke more about the process. Most show, but don't tell ;) So I'm going to try and add a bit of value to my posts.
Conceptually, there isn't much to talk about. Tried to stay true to the first generation console (apparently SEGA started doing some cost cutting with the later revisions) I owned as a kid. The struggle, as always, was with the glossy ring around the cartridge slot. I may tweak this some more, but I wouldn't be upset if this is what I shipped.
Technical details: 95% vectors (Ps). I may just end up doing a full range of this icon (1024px on down). Built on the Jaku base.
NOTE: I looped the gif but added a 5 sec pause on the last frame. It will play again.