Bacon Finder

A client project to to help foodies quickly find places to go.

Design points
- Opening the app instantly brings results by automatically grabbing location and your foodie preference from the last session.
- Tapping a restaurant, zooms the map to include your current location and that of the restaurant while generating the best routes from your current location. - Swiping to different restaurants automatically updates the map and routing while showing key info about the restaurant
- UI is one-handed with all main navigation at the bottom
- The UI always delivers results without waiting for user to input their intent.

A fun design touch, is an animating icon pops out of a hole at the top of the map indicating your interest category with a pulsing animation whenever the map is loading. Different fun icons with different color schemes can be used for different foodie categories like vegetarian, keto-tarian, etc..

Maps can be custom styled here:

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