Financial Services Marketing Deck

This was a sales deck for the investment marketing firm, Traction House which I cofounded in March 2018 with Simon Jalbert. This deck would go out primarily to small-medium sized asset managers who were looking to leverage digital marketing as part of their investment acquisition strategy.

Design Commentary:
This was the 2nd iteration of the Traction House brand, in use in the later half of 2018 and into early 2019. Charcoal bluish-grey tones with a violet red highlight was appealing for a short time. I got over this look and have since moved on but it served a decent look during its time. This sales deck often served as a mechanism to describe to asset manager clients how social media is used to attract investors to their firm. I used isometric illustrations of accredited and institutional investors in their natural habitat (buildings and city centres) with their heads buried in their phones, indicating that this is where all the attention lies, which positioned us to visually stress the importance of having your brand everywhere online (always on, omni channel).

Chadd Weston
Inspired stories + beautiful designs = magical results.

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