XD Daily Challenge - 11.11-11.22 | Challenge 2
Challenge: Design the payment experience for a scooter rental app.
ZOOM is a prototype mobile interface designed to facilitate the payment experience of renting an electric scooter (a.k.a. a Zoomer ) with an exciting, aesthetic flare. It draws inspiration from features commonly found in rental and ride sharing apps and adds some fun interactions for a unique experience.
Besides a mobile interface, I incorporated some WatchOS functionality by prototyping an interaction allowing riders to switch scooters within the same riding period.
The full experience can be found on my Behance, including a walkthrough of both the mobile and watch interface prototypes.
Check out the full project on Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/88934787/XD-Daily-Challenge-1111-1122-Challenge-2?
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