Pill Reminder & Medication Tracking App

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Medication treatments are super effective if done properly. To ensure success, we’ve designed an app that helps patients track prescribed meds and vitamins. Check out how easy the entire process can be!

💉 While designing this app we thought smth like, ‘Hey, who says that healthcare solutions are about being total white?’ We strived to make it NOT BORING and added green elements to the design.

💊 It’s easy to create a form. The hard part is encouraging users to actually fill it out. To boost UX (and speed things up), we’ve integrated barcode scanning into ‘Pills name’.

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What helps you stick to a medication schedule?

Created by Ilya Utkin

We share experience in designing interfaces for healthcare startups 🏥, give insights into developing an app for pet owners 🐈, and reveal the secrets of coming up with a competitor to famous services 🤩

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