Figma iOS UI kit - Segmented controls - Native & Styled
New default iOS13 segments are cool! But what, if you prefer to move further with new custom styles for Segmented Controls? Simply pick a new UI exterior, which is served along with Native style in this library and enjoy.
15 sections of components:
Navigation bars, Bottom bars, Text fields, Selection controls, Icons, Buttons, Cards, Lists, Dialogs, Graphs, Social components, Datepickers, Empty states, Engagement, Filtering, Bottom sheets, Pickers and more.
23 categories of iOS patterns:
Authentication, Cards layouts, Comments, Date selection, Filtering patterns, Home screens, Inputs combinations, Launch screens, Lists, Maps, Messages, Navigation, Profile, Subscription plans, Search, Settings, PIN input, Registration, Bottom sheets, Grids, Charts statistics, Data tables and more.
Learn more : Open in Figma:
New default iOS13 segments are cool! But what, if you prefer to move further with new custom styles for Segmented Controls? Simply pick a new UI exterior, which is served along with Native style in this library and enjoy.
15 sections of components:
Navigation bars, Bottom bars, Text fields, Selection controls, Icons, Buttons, Cards, Lists, Dialogs, Graphs, Social components, Datepickers, Empty states, Engagement, Filtering, Bottom sheets, Pickers and more.
23 categories of iOS patterns:
Authentication, Cards layouts, Comments, Date selection, Filtering patterns, Home screens, Inputs combinations, Launch screens, Lists, Maps, Messages, Navigation, Profile, Subscription plans, Search, Settings, PIN input, Registration, Bottom sheets, Grids, Charts statistics, Data tables and more.
Learn more : Open in Figma: