Much needed Dribbble addition

Earlier on I tweeted this short message:
"How long until @dribbble give us the option to show more than 12 shots per page?"

It was quite popular among fellow Dribbblers, so I wanted to see if my opinion is echoed on the community. So, I threw together this very quick snap of what it is I think Dribbble is missing - the ability to view more than 12 shots per page either:

Normal = 12 shots
A bit more than normal = 24 shots
Wow, I like a lotta posts on my page = 48 shots
Keep loading new posts as I reach the bottom = Infinite scroll [please forgive my excellent spelling on the shot - told you it was very quick]

Does anyone else out there feel like this is a much needed addition to the Dribbble site? - if so, comment below, or tweet me @gavjayhoffman - get the voice heard and let's get this added to Dribbble as soon as bloody possible!

Thank you, you're golden, much love.

Posted on Dec 17, 2012

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