Industrial Electronic Supply logo quick fix grid

#3 of my personal project where I take bad logos I see around town and fix em up super quick. No strategy, no research, just cliche or a clever idea (if I'm lucky).

I didn't have an idea when I started this one so I simply started experimenting with type and spacing. Quickly, I realized that there was potential for a perfect 3x10 grid for spacing. This also inspired me to go for a mid-century, classic corporate branding look. I love that era of design and tend to design that way anyway.

This design grid is pretty simple but there are some hard-to-see customizations. For example, the space between rows is slightly narrower than the spacing between columns. This is an optical spacing trick I learned from studying typography. Similarly, some of the letters are mathematically off-center to the square that contains them. The D, R's, E's, C's, P's and the comma are all adjusted optically.

Full write up here:

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