Daily UI #092 - FAQ

🤔 Thoughts 🤔

I got off to a slow start today, and it just wasn’t clicking. I haven’t been feeling too great lately either, which may be sapping my creative energy. Hopefully, that will turn around soon...

Anyways, taking a step away from the animation today, and focusing on some UI/UX. I wanted to create a very simple user experience.

The main goal is to filter out unnecessary information and answer the User’s question as quickly and efficiently as possible. They would be funneled into more and more specific content as they select more options. A secondary goal of the UX is to reduce the number of calls that need to be handled by real people, reducing overhead in that portion of the company.

I also wanted to use a dope looking “Q” for the shot. The letters Q and G are my favorite letters, followed by the letter K of course. My go-to font for most of these challenges has been Montserrat, which has a decent Q, but I wanted to try out a new font. After sifting through Google Fonts for a few minutes, I found the font that I liked called “Quicksand” and you can see a test-drive in my shot above. I’m not 100% sold on this font yet, but that Q is dope, per my criteria.

Thanks for checking out my shot! 👏🤩


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Challenge TLDR: Complete 1 specified UI task every day, for 100 days [ M - F ].

⚡ Check out all the challenge details ⚡
⚡ https://www.dailyui.co/ ⚡️

Kris Shogren
Hello! I'm CMYKris. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
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