Juice box - Figma Auto Animate Exploration
Throwback to when I tried out @Figma new auto animate feature. Preview the video at the end.
Play with the prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/WP3pb4IvM82PSESeBj0AHl/JuiceBox?node-id=12%3A2&viewport=504%2C173%2C0.3258768618106842&scaling=scale-down
Follow my creative process on Twitter
Throwback to when I tried out @Figma new auto animate feature. Preview the video at the end.
Play with the prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/WP3pb4IvM82PSESeBj0AHl/JuiceBox?node-id=12%3A2&viewport=504%2C173%2C0.3258768618106842&scaling=scale-down
Follow my creative process on Twitter
Throwback to when I tried out @Figma new auto animate feature. Preview the video at the end.
Play with the prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/WP3pb4IvM82PSESeBj0AHl/JuiceBox?node-id=12%3A2&viewport=504%2C173%2C0.3258768618106842&scaling=scale-down
Follow my creative process on Twitter
Throwback to when I tried out @Figma new auto animate feature. Preview the video at the end.
Play with the prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/WP3pb4IvM82PSESeBj0AHl/JuiceBox?node-id=12%3A2&viewport=504%2C173%2C0.3258768618106842&scaling=scale-down
Follow my creative process on Twitter
Throwback to when I tried out @Figma new auto animate feature. Preview the video at the end.
Play with the prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/WP3pb4IvM82PSESeBj0AHl/JuiceBox?node-id=12%3A2&viewport=504%2C173%2C0.3258768618106842&scaling=scale-down
Follow my creative process on Twitter
Throwback to when I tried out @Figma new auto animate feature. Preview the video at the end.
Play with the prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/WP3pb4IvM82PSESeBj0AHl/JuiceBox?node-id=12%3A2&viewport=504%2C173%2C0.3258768618106842&scaling=scale-down
Follow my creative process on Twitter