Flection - Work-Focused Journaling

Flection is a tool to coach yourself up through work-focused journaling.

Establishing the branding for the project was a lot of fun. Since it is a web application and after looking at the competition out there, I landed on yellow as our primary color. I think yellow is a pretty underutilized color and therefore it stands out quite a bit.

For the logo, we have a pretty modern, minimalist design to the app, so I love the contrast of that with the script logo. Also, playing into the idea that Flection is all about writing and reflection, the handwritten look of a script logo felt good.

I also liked using letters and typography as the main design element. Again playing on the amount of writing involved with the app.

The app has a very minimalistic design. Lots of white and grey. The reason being we wanted the user's content and reflections to shine through. The advantage of using yellow as well is that I can utilize to just add a pop of color here and there. It helps maintain the brand but also doesn't take over the screen.

Let me know what you think! I’d love the feedback

More by Luciano Vizza

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