Quarter Hack 3: Event Identity

Definition / Quarter Hack: A quarterly event where Digital Surgeons completely shuts down—everyone is divided into cross-functional teams, is given a brief and expected to deliver a prototype that responds to said brief over an 8-hour period.

We like to brand our Quarter Hacks and order t-shirts for everyone involved as a keepsake & gift of gratitude.

Our third Quarter Hack happened in October, so we naturally had to take the art direction to a spooky place.

Since the event's name is Quarter Hack, we took the bottom quarter of each word and sliced it to another font. Not only does it represent a "quarter" literally, but also represents the "hack" side of things by "hacking" two fonts together. The bottom font was chosen to be intentionally sharp to represent a sythe—a classic symbol of halloween and a weapon that could be used to cut a quarter of something off.

Quarter Hack was a huge success—looking forward to helping design the identity of the next one!

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