Asobi - game hardware rental service

24h challenge to design something new up from scratch.

Everyone has wished once to play some particular game on platform that they didn't own. And maybe everyone has game device that are rarely used, if ever using it at all.

This service are the bridge that unites those who own game devices and those who wants to play with them together. You can share anything from next-gen consoles to old gamepad stick for Atari 2600. Service guarantees that you'll get exactly what you need just in time - whatever it is for solo playing, lan-party or e-games competition.

For device ordering you places a "ticket" and open discussion with the owner of the device. Determining borrow time and terms of use, you both confirming exchange and in discussed time driver will come to pick device up.

Big orange button are used as notification icon, profile link and return button together.

More by Denis Dobrovolsky

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