🖥• Libeo Homepage

Earlier this year, We worked with Libeo (a Btob Payment plateform) we had the opportunity to conceive and build their product and we are happy to share the work we have so far achieved. This is a shot of the website that we created in collaboration with @sallyazar (https://dribbble.com/SallyAzar) Truth be said, working with Libeo was one of our most fulfilling collaboration on a product so far ! ❤️

Cette année on a eu l’opportunité de travailler avec Libeo, sur une plateforme de paiement BtoB, aujourd’hui on partage avec vous, un shot de ce service innovant, un travail construit en collaboration avec Sally Azar ! Travailler avec Libeo, en étroite collaboration était une aventure très riche et passionnante ! ☞ https://libeo.io/ -- Many other things here ☞ ↳ TwitterInstagramAdfab Website 🚀

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