Daily UI #089 - Terms of Service
🤔 Thoughts 🤔
For today, I made a simple UX interaction for my take on an “improved” terms of service experience.
The ToS or user agreements we as consumers are constantly forced to agree to is a problem in my mind. It’s a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo that drolly explains otherwise simple concepts. Zzzzzzz.
Are we expected to read these novels every time we install an app? Can’t the language just be simple and easy to understand? I honestly don’t think I have ever read an entire ToS, nor do I ever plan to.
This is my solution to this problem. There could be a simple addition to the jargon that simplifies large sections of copy into bite-sized bits of information that any person could understand.
Thanks for checking out my shot! 😋🙏
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Challenge TLDR: Complete 1 specified UI task every day, for 100 days [ M - F ]. ⚡ Check out all the challenge details ⚡ ⚡ https://www.dailyui.co/ ⚡️