Rdio Mini Player
I've only recently started using Rdio (and it's awesome). I'm a huge fan of the design, although I don't feel that the mini player works in with the rest of it that well.
Here's my take on a mini player that also includes a track list. Now obviously I'm not a part of the Rdio design team, so I don't know why they have made the decisions they have. I've just simply gone and made something I would be happy using.
I've decided to drop the volume control. I personally set the volume once per app, and then just use the system controls to adjust it. I'm not sure if anyone else does this, but if you do, losing the volume control isn't a big deal.
I've also stripped out the play time. I felt that with this design, it detracted from it too much. I did experiment with having it where the shuffle and repeat buttons are, but I decided against it in the end.
I don't do this sort of design very often, so I would love any thoughts you have for me. Thanks!
Icons courtesy of @Adam Whitcroft: http://adamwhitcroft.com/batch/