American Giant Clothing Logo

High quality workwear designed and manufactured in the United States is not an entirely new concept. What really excited us about this company was their vision to also make these clothes affordable by only selling online (effectively cutting out the middleman).

When American Giant first approached us to design their identity, we immediately met with the clothing designers, owner & employees to pinpoint their unified goal of tough workwear with a high level of finish, all produced in the USA. From there we knew that only hand crafted typography and a strong accompanying icon would reflect their earnest vision.

The icon, a combination A and G, is reminiscent of a branding iron that a farmer might have used early last century, a personal seal denoting pride of ownership.

The icon is implemented across the entire product line, from custom zipper pulls to a finishing label sewn on all of the garments.

We also created an alternate logo for AG to use integrating their tagline “Out of many, one”.

This is a translation of “E Pluribus Unum”, which is on the official seal of the United States, symbolizing strength and unity.

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